Flèche section 1


Flèche section 2



Flèche section 1
An overview of a bright, geometric social media campaign for a juice bar called Organic Squeeze. This campaign highlighted a new store opening using bold typography and isolated product photography.
A set of wedding invitations, one pre-covid and one post-covid that play up the idea of not knowing how to say the most exciting thing - you’re invited to celebrate.
Gold Foiling on forest green textured cardstock, depicting the Magic Flower logo


Dinner menu for Gaillardia Country Club, it's a timeless design with classic typography


An overview of a bright, geometric social media campaign for a juice bar called Organic Squeeze. This campaign highlighted a new store opening using bold typography and isolated product photography.


A set of wedding invitations, one pre-covid and one post-covid that play up the idea of not knowing how to say the most exciting thing - you’re invited to celebrate.


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Viens de la fusion de deux artistes, DJ DMS et Pablo Killombo. Ils ont tous les deux envies de proposer un live set hors du commun, plein d'énergie, d'harmonie avec une réelle performance qui puisse réunir la scène HIP HOP et la scène ÉLECTRO, deux mondes qui les passionnent. À force de recherche, ils inventent leur propre style de TrapTek, un savant mélangent de Techno et Trap, mais pas que… Ils testent cette nouvelle formule sur des premières petites scènes toulousaines et la réaction du public est folle.

Le Feu vert est donné, plus rien ne pourra les arrêter.

>Pablo Killombo

Producteur, compositeur, pianiste et Beat boxer. Attiré vers le piano depuis les quatre ans, il commence sa carrière en France, son pays natal, en jouant principalement avec des groupes de jazz. Ayant un goût musical éclectique, Pablo commence un voyage à travers le monde en 2005, absorbant les musiques et les sons de chaque pays exploré. Il commence à vivre exclusivement de sa musique en cumulant live show, production musicale et ateliers.De retour en France en 2021, il rencontre DJ DMS lors d'un jam, la connexion musicale est immédiate, Kiff and Scratch est né.


DJ turntablist faisant partie de la Scratch Assembly association de DJs toulousain. Depuis tout jeune, passionné par le mouvement hip-hop que ce soit pour la danse ou la musique, pratiquant le break dance pendant un temps, il se mit aux platines plus tard et trouve un goût particulier pour le scratch qu’il perfectionne aux fils des années. Il devient DJ pour le MC Omar Paco et tasho (du Dirty beat) participe activement à la scène local avec ces différents projets. En 2021 il rencontre Killombo lors d'un jam, la connexion musicale est immédiate, Kiff and Scratch est née.

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How it's made

First, we talk.

Why do you do what you do?
Before we jump into creating anything, it's important that we talk about your business goals. The more detail, the better!

What do you need?
We'll talk about your specific needs and potential ways to accomplish your goals. We'll talk about your audience and start to define the design strategy, aka, the method to the madness.

Next, I sketch.

This step is actually kind of broad. The sketching I do really depends on what we're working on - branding, a website, a custom invitation... Sometimes these are done by hand, other times these are digital sketches.

I'll share these with you and together, we'll refine the work until it's done using the design strategy as our guide. These can include moodboards, competitor and audience analysis, trend forecasting, archetypes, story or narrative goals, core values and the design, or visual translations, of each.

Last, we talk.

And, you get the thing I made.
I try to make sure my clients have everything they need to be successful in the future - even if they're not working with me.

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let's work together!

Ideas are made better when they are made up of diverse perspectives. Fill out the form and we'll talk about what you need created and the many ways it might be created.

Got it! We'll talk soon~
Oop! Looks like ya skipped a required field~


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How it's made

Step 1

Gather supplies:
coffee, notebook, pencil, client color pen, calligraphy markers, brush pen, ruler, vape and earbuds.

Step 2

Who are you and why do you do what you do?
What do you really need?
What does the market look like?
What style preferences do you have?
How will we measure success?

Step 3

With answers in hand, I create a strategy guide. This narrows our focus and I begin to sketch potential solutions. We review the strategy and the sketches, talking about how they may or may not work for your goals.

Step 4

With a clear definition in mind, I create the thing you need!

Step 5

I give you an accessible, usable thing. Sometimes it's a Canva template, sometimes that's 6 different file types - whatever will allow you to be successful in the future, without needing me. You can, of course, hire me again but as a rule: I set people up for success.